Working to Prevent Neighborhood Decay and Educate the Community on CC&Rs
Are you looking to learn more about local or neighborhood codes or restrictions? Then you’ve landed at the right spot to help you take steps to keep Camden beautiful.
Please take a moment to review copies of Codes, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R) linked to this webpage (under News and Information) so you can decide if you wish to inform the CNA Board of an issue. Please also know that the City’s municipal codes pick up where the CC&Rs leave off and deal with more general neighborhood livability standards. You may wish to determine which avenue best suits the issue you’re dealing with.
Once you decide to move forward with the help of the CNA Board, here’s what we need from you:
o Identify the issue
o Fill out the form below or send us an email to with as much information about your concern such as date, location, description of problem, and related CCR section number(s)
Once we receive the information, the CNA Board (or Committee) will be able to do the following as resources allow (we’re all volunteers and will work hard to move forward as expeditiously as possible):
o Verify CNA membership status of resident sending complaint (Board will respond to paid members only)
o Verify written or emailed complaint (visit location)
o Verify applicable CCR section in violation
o Determine whether to pursue issue
o Monitor location for duration of violation (seeks additional information from complainant)
After the process begins, we will send you a general overview of the process and will keep you informed on progress. If the Board or Committee resolves the issue, great! If we cannot resolve the issue, we will suggest other methods you can pursue on your own. The CNA is not an enforcement entity; however, we care deeply about our neighborhood and will provide education and outreach regarding the CC&Rs of Camden. The CNA should not be confused with a Homeowner’s Association.
Thank you for your interest in preserving the quality of life in Camden Park and Passage!
(Your concern may also be reportable to the City of Elk Grove Code Enforcement. To initiate confidential communication with the City's Code Enforcement, send an email with photos, address, and concern to )